Seven Sunday Smiles

Hey Loves,

I know, I’m late again. Just slap me on the wrist already! LOL. It was funny because I was typing this up last night and ended up falling asleep at the computer midway! I had another 12 hour shift with no break again and it drained me. I figure I give it another try tonight and finish writing what seven things that made me smile this past week. Why don’t we get started?

#1: I got to visit the beach before work to have a moment to myself. I love being able to smell the salty air while the cool breeze hits my skin. It’s such a glorious feeling after you’ve been away from it too long. I haven’t gotten to swim in the ocean in a long time, but I hope to have a chance soon.

#2: I saw a full length rainbow while driving my boss back home. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a full length rainbow although it has been raining for quite sometime. My boss lives on the complete opposite side of the island from me and I was an hour late for my second job, but it was worth it. I volunteered for it and I believe things always happen for a reason.

#3: My sister said I reminded her of a wet koala… She told me to look it up and I can’t believe that’s what they look like when they’re wet. I also can’t believe she said I remind her of one. LOL. I love my sister.

#4: I fed my addiction, I got my Colourpop order and bought some makeup from Sephora. I’ll be posting a haul sometime soon. You can check my Instagram @rawresilience_808 for swatches.

#5: I truly am blessed to live in paradise. I am making it a point to take in all the beauty that surrounds me each week from now on. It’s another way I can count my blessings. I hope you’re enjoying those photos BTW.

#6: I stepped out of my comfort zone and wore a berry colored lippie. I know it might not be much to some of you, but for a girl that tends to wear neutrals it definitely is. I think I pulled it off pretty well, don’t you think so?

#7: I finally got to do my nails and came up with that cute Snowman design you see above. I once again stepped out of my comfort zone by wearing blue glitter polish. It’s not my preference, but I ain’t mad at it. I really love how it turned out and that was my “self care” for the week. It’s soo festive.

#8: I tried Indian Food for the first time! I also tried Lamb once more to see if I liked it or not definitively and I can say I do not. The food overall was not bad! I ended up getting this fried Eggplant dish that was covered in coconut curry. It was delicious. My rule when I go to eat at a new place is to try something vegetarian because I don’t trust new food places all the time. You can’t really get sick if you eat raw vegetables versus raw meat. Yes, I am strange, but I like to play it safe.

#9: I got to spend some QT time with friends. We went out to eat Indian food, had some dessert at Frost City, and spent the evening playing games. We had soo much fun that we forgot we were in a public place. It was like we were in our own worlds! We played Jenga, this game I forgot the name of that’s pictured above, and Taboo. It was hilarious when we started playing Taboo. Sorry to the folks that were there, but it was a much needed night.

#10: My Client’s Great Grandson always picks us flowers. Every Sunday when I am with my clients, her Great Grandson, who’s 5 years old, visits her. When he visits he likes to pick all the women in the house (including me when I’m there) these little yellow flowers on his way back from the beach. He’s the cutest ball of energy and I seem to be really good with him.

As you can tell, I had a pretty good week. Then again, these posts are always meant to share the better parts of my week. I really did enjoy this past week and am starting to see the World from a different perspective from doing this weekly. I think it helps me to remember that everything happens for a reason and that there is always good to surrounds us, no matter what. That’s why I chose the main picture… because you can always choose Joy… remember that. I hope you had moments that made you smile and hope you have a lovely week. Until next time.




Seven Sunday Smiles

Hey Loves,

Yes, I am aware I am a day late, but I have a good reason for it. I decided to take some much needed R&R after a straight 12 hour shift yesterday. It was much needed and it was heavenly. It’s going to be mentioned in this week’s Seven Sunday Smiles post. You want to know what it is? Well keep reading and let’s get into it.

#1: My first Cyber Monday was a success! I ended up buying some more ColourPop Ultra Matte Lippies (like I need any more) and a couple of bikini bottoms from Kalokini to help me up keep my momentum on my goal for a healthier lifestyle before I turn 25. They’re not photographed above, but you’ll see them soon.

#2: I got to play with makeup and got into the zone. It feels soo good to be able to glam myself up and take pictures to remind myself how much I should love what I see in the mirror. I get to see a before and after when I do so, but end up loving how I look regardless. You’ll see what I did recently if you look at my main page where it shows my Instagram feed. If you can’t find it, check out my Instagram: @rawresilience_808.

#3: I bought flowers for my clients 92nd birthday and she was soo thrilled by the surprise. I have been working a PT job where I am a caregiver to a now 92 year old woman and she is soo darling. She’s my first client I have personally caregived for and she is soo sweet about it. I have learned a lot over the past month or so and have gotten much better. She can vouch for it. She loves flowers and wasn’t expecting anything from me. It was only an $8 bouquet and she’s used to the finer things in life, but I could tell she thought it was worth more because I thought of her.

#4: Having a day where I did nothing and reflected on being grateful for all that surrounds me. I get a little depressed during the Holidays and I tend to feel lonely a lot even though I am surrounded by people. It’s just something I go through here and there, but I was reminded by looking outside and doing my Christmas list (surprisingly) how I have a roof over my head, live in a gorgeous place, have enough money to get me by, and am living life in general. I’ll probably make some random, hippie type of post in the future about my thoughts and all that good stuff about spirituality/things of that nature.

#5: Enjoying all the vast colors of the sunset after weeks of rain was an incredible sight to see. It reminded me that I live in such a beautiful place and how I want to stay here as long as I can. I don’t know why I keep wanting to move sometimes, but I know it’ll eventually happen due to the cost of living here and me needing a fresh start sometime in the near future. I can feel it coming on.

#6: Smelling the sweet smell of Christmas as I exited the elevator onto my floor. It caught me by surprise because my building NEVER has done real decorations before, let alone a real life wreath. I went to random floors in my building to see what theirs looked like and realized we’re the only ones who have it. I then noticed that the ladies down the hall from me have the same wreath on their door. That was soo sweet of them to put it up. I haven’t bumped into them yet, but I’m going to personally thank them when I get the chance because it’s soo cute that they did that and it brightened my holiday blues.

#7: Drinking wine and enjoying a relaxing, hot bubble bath to end off my week was what I needed. I pulled a straight 12 hour shift as I mentioned before and I was feeling it all over my body. I stopped at a local drugstore to get me a bottle of wine and headed home where I immediately started my bubble bath. I used the rest of my Lush Bubble Bar which is unfortunate, but I get an excuse to purchase more now.


I know the pictures above aren’t everything that was included in this post, but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless because they are what made/makes me smile. Doing this really has given me a more positive outlook on life and makes me want to have more than seven smiles a week. I am sure that I physically smile more than that, but how many of those times do I remember the reason for it? This gives me a better way to remember and can be a great way to reflect back on different times during my life. Anyways, I hope this made you smile. Let me know some things that made you smile this past week. I’ll catch you later!






Seven Sunday Smiles

Hey Loves!


Welcome back to my blog. How was your week? I can say that I found some more things to smile about. Here are some pics that capture how my week has been. Can you tell I was feeling myself this week? I’m just going to get right into it.



#1  Putting more effort into my everyday look. I decided that I was going to do a full face of makeup, wear a fall lippie, a flannel, skinny jeans, pair of fall bootie wedges, and acting like I had somewhere important to go. I just had an appointment, ran some errands in between, and managed to browse around some stores, but I sure did it in style. Well, at least I thought I was pretty fly.

#2  Seeing a thick rainbow on my drive to work. I always like to think that rainbows are a sign to add some light into your life, smile, or a reminder that no matter the storm, a rainbow always appears after a heavy rainfall. Sometimes, even a light rainfall. Either way, it loosens me up and gets me to remember that life is what it is and I am where I need to be. Fun fact: I was given a Hawaiian name, Keanuenue, which means “the brightness of the rainbow.”

#3 Doing a test run of “Pie in the Face,” which is game where you have to avoid being hit in the face with whip cream. Click this link for an example of how to play. I decided to try it all by myself to see how it would be and you definitely feel the suspense of trying not to be hit in the face with whip cream. I actually played it on Thanksgiving for real, with my 11 year old cousin and we had a blast. The rest of my family was too chicken to play since they didn’t want to get messy.

#4 Spending Thanksgiving with my Family is a cliche thing to say, but it’s true. I had to work four hours at my PT job, but my client just slept the whole time (awesome.) It was nice to get to my Aunty’s where I had a spot to park, family that I haven’t seen in a long time, delicious food, glass of wine, laughter, music, and everything in between. Highlight of the night (which happens to be disgusting) involves my Uncle’s nasty puss/boil thing being drained, my dry heaving and laughing nearly to death, and my Aunty talking about blackheads in places which I had no idea they existed in. We talk about some real crazy, random, ish in my family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

#5 Looking at the Full Moon thankful for another day on this Earth. Here on O’ahu it’s been really muggy, rainy, and wet (our version of Fall) and I have been hoping for some sunlight soon just because it’s been slightly depressing. It happened to be this same way on Thanksgiving, but as the night went on, the weather cleared up. Me, my Aunty and my Cousin were in the garage and seen the glow of the Moon which lead us all to trying to capture the best picture of it because it’s been a while since we seen the moon. It just reminded me to be thankful for everything I have once more and as a true Cancer, soak up the Moonlight as much as I could to recharge.

#6 Having a day off is just what I needed. It brings me soo much joy and helps me to recharge from a busy week. All I honestly do it binge watch Netflix and eat junk food. It’s not the best thing to do, but it brings me comfort to just be a couch potato in my own home. It truly feels good to do nothing but breath on my days off. Once I have burned out on the same routine, I’m sure I’ll get out there to do more active things in between, but until then I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing.

#7 Going out to eat Guacamole with my friends after work. Last, but not least, I hung out with my friends today for a couple hours just to catch up and unwind. We went to go eat this bomb guacamole from this restaurant where they make it fresh at your table. The service is so-so, but the guacamole is just soo good that it almost doesn’t matter. After we ate, we walked over to check out the newest attraction which happens to be an outdoor skating rink. It’s pretty small, but it looks like it’ll be fun regardless. Click this link to see more about this. It was a short hangout sesh as my friends are preparing for finals week, but nonetheless, it was much needed.

I am seriously loving this weekly post and hope you do too. It really is such a great reminder for me to review my week to see what great things have happened. Although they may appear small, they are still positive which should always outweigh any negative. I have been a little down here and there, but manage to find reasons whether they come to me as a literal sign or just me sensing it was meant for me to see that I am on the journey I need to be and it’ll fall into place when it is time.

I hope you all had a lovely week and will have an awesome upcoming week ahead. Leave me some things that made YOU SMILE this past week. I’d love to hear from you! I’ll see you soon.




Seven Sunday Smiles

Hey Loves,


Long time no blog! It’s towards the end of November and I finally have some time to be able to post something here on my blog. I recently began my second job where I have been putting in a ton of hours to be able to make dat paypah! Seriously though, I really need the money to be able to live my life comfortably. It honestly sucks that I’ve had to take a second job, but I’ve had some positive experiences so far. Welcome to paying to continue to live in paradise.

Although this isn’t beauty or makeup related, I want to share something great that I found with you. Remember, I did make a disclosure saying that I would post random things here and there. Well, here it is.

I discovered this amazing concept called “Seven Sunday Smiles” from the lovely blogger Jac & The Box where she blogs once a week about seven things that made her smile each week. It varies from week to week, as it should, and encompasses all aspects in her life. She also has many great posts on her site about beauty, makeup, and life in general. Check out her site. You won’t regret it.

I thought this would be a great way to not only give myself a reminder that there is ALWAYS something to smile about, but I want to see this go far off into the blogging world. I think this is something everyone could benefit from no matter the content they provide on their sites. I truly believe that this is going to help make a difference in someones life and am grateful to have found it because I really needed it.

The seven things that made me smile this past week are…

#1: Getting an extra free cup of ice cream after waiting almost half an hour  in a long line with my friends waiting for a flavor I wanted only to be told it was sold out. Story is, they were so busy they forgot to mark that they gave me my order, so I ended up with two for the price of one. DEALS.

#2: Having a few moments to be able to visit the beach to put my toes in the sand, smell the salt water, and listen to the waves crashing onto the shore. I love the ocean, but haven’t felt confident in the skin I’m in lately so I’ve been avoiding it. Hopefully I’ll get out of this funk soon cuz it was nice to be somewhere I feel at home.

#3: Hearing my boss say that she trusts me and doesn’t worry about me. I feel confident in my work ethics and the way I carry myself, but it never hurt anyone to be reassured.

#4: My dog wanting to cuddle with me before my run/walk. He’s 11 years old and isn’t always wanting to cuddle with me since he can be a grouch. It’s cute when he does because he turns into this little baby that just makes my heart melt.

#5: Getting a text from my brother asking me to stay with him when I go to the Big Island for the holidays. My brother recently had his first baby and he’s all of a sudden wanting me to spend time with him, FaceTime’s me, and just showing brotherly love. It’s always nice.

#6: FaceTiming my sister is always something that puts a smile to my face because we can be extra goofy and it reminds me to take a moment to relax and be myself.

#7: Seeing my favorite waterfall on my drive to and from my second job. Since it’s been raining here on O’ahu the past few days I have been seeing my favorite waterfall in full force. I have no clue what it is called or if it even has a name, but here, when it rains the loads of waterfalls start popping up and it’s a gorgeous site to see. It reminds me of the beauty that surrounds me by living here in Hawai’i Nei. ❤

This is my first time posting this and I hope to be able to make an effort to post one each week, even if it doesn’t go live. Again, I think this is an amazing concept and I even tried to find the best things to post for this week which means I’ve had a pretty good one although it hasn’t been the most adventurous. Can YOU think of at least seven things that made you smile this week? If not seven, at least one thing that made you smile? Leave me some in the comment section down below and I hope to see more people doing this.

As always, I hope all is well and I promise to come back sometime soon with a beauty/makeup related post. Do you have any requests of suggestions of products that I need to check out? Leave that it in the comment section below too. I would love to hear from you! Hope you have a great week and if I don’t come back before Thanksgiving, hope you have a happy and safe one. Take care!



